When people say something that they don't like "makes me so depressed" it's a medical inaccuracy, like when people say something being out of place "makes my OCD act up." For the record, people who get worked up about things like that, are fucking retarded, people exaggerate shit all the time, if you can't deal with that you might have a genuine condition of your own. Depression is not an extreme form of sadness it is an impairment of brain functionality. Think of this way, alcohol is a depressant, but doesn't just make you sad. Of course sadness is a very common symptom of depression, especially in females.
The way I feel, often without any reason, is angry and alone. As I write this I'm in the middle of the only significant down time during my exam season, so it's no surprise I'm a little frayed and burnt out at the moment. Take away a stressor and you enter exhaustion. (What's that? A diagram? Shit yes!)

One thing that annoys me is the logical coping mechanism my brain has started using. It's very hard to feel angry or isolated when you're in love, so that's become a big part of my resistance to my depression... Except I'm not in love, I'm single with no romantic interests. So two things have started happening. That weird, fluttering sensation you get in your chest when you look at someone you love? (Can someone explain what that is? Adrenaline maybe?) Well I've started getting that randomly, even when alone or midway through an exam, it's one of the most bizarre feelings ever and I have no idea how to deal with or prevent it, I just feel a little awkward until it passes. The second and more problematic love based 'coping' mechanism is to constantly and uncontrollably think about the people I've loved in the past... You know, the one who came out to me, the one who left me for someone else and the one who was never interested to start with? Yeah them. I admit, the constant flashbacks to my first (and all very vivid) memories of them always makes me smile, but of course my subconscious gets excited and starts shouting "And that was just meeting them! Think about how it progressed from th- oooh yeah..." Most of the time my romantic history is a fascicle comedy that always makes me giggle, when it's an attempt to alleviate feelings of loneliness however... It's less funny to me.
I have no way to end this post, so Imma just list some points made. Exaggeration is not a cause for offence in most cases, depression and sadness are not synonymous (Guess who spelt that right first try bitches!), the exhaustion stage of exam stress is a good time to go crazy, my brain isn't good at keeping me calm, I'm a dick to walls, my love life plays out like a badly written comedy movie. That is all, no go do something useful instead of reading my bullshit