Monday, 19 December 2011

The Death of Kim Jong Ill

As I'm sure (and seriously hope) you are aware the leader of North Korea, the worlds biggest piece of evidence for short man syndrome, Kim Jong Ill has died of a heart attack on a train to an official visit out of Pyongyang, although I'm unaware of exactly where this was (with any luck it would have been an undertaker), and so the leadership of the worlds most dangerous nation has passed to Kim Jong Ill' 3rd son Kim Jong Un, all I really know about him is that he is "somewhere in his ate 20s" and was a general under his father.
As a general Kim Jong Un expressed more aggressive attitudes than his father so his new position of head of state could all too easily be heralding a much more dangerous time for the Pacific area. An emergency meeting was called Seoul almost as soon as the news broke.
For now the only thing to do is see how things play out, but I fear that, as a display of strength or a distraction from the political turmoil that is sure to result from this news, an act of provocation is a dangerously likely event, I hope that the transition of power in North Korea goes smoothly but urge Western leaders not to interfere in the politics of such a proud nation.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Our Little species

Good news my dear reader! I think I've gone completely insane (don't worry not that that lovey dovey crap that ended my last blog) I've been looking at humanity and realising just how much we need to go extinct, not just the cull I had previously backed (however that remains the more viable option.)
Some day soon there will be a mass extinction caused by, and including, us. Obviously not every human is detrimental to the earth, but it is an overwhelming majority. We are choking the life out of the earth despite the fact that we need it for our own lives.
It will never happen but I will say it anyway, the only way humans will ever truly make a significant beneficial impact on the environment is by dying. Human nature prevents any truly selfless communal act or community. Therefore there is no option other than death that humanity can perform to save the millions of other lifeforms that are inevitably going to be destroyed by our acts.
I will end with an Attenborough quote that helps sum up the reasons for my anti-human feelings "for hundreds of thousands of years man has manipulated the environment to benefit himself, maybe it's time he changed himself for the environment's benefit"

Sunday, 11 December 2011

15000000 Merits

I fear that that the middle episode of the brilliant Back Mirror gives an all too realistic view of the way the modern world is heading. Every it seems that there is a new 'reality' program being plastered over our screens, the constant steam of syrupy mush is almost enough to make any sane person feel genuinely nauseous.
And yet there must be a demand, otherwise why else would it be made? And it is made and not just filmed. I am yet to see a single program with the label of "reality" that represents any form of reality lived in by anyone from this universe or any other. This "Fake Fodder" is slowly dominating the media. Even news outlets are corrupted, tabloid newspapers are not showing us the world as it is but a twisted version manufactured into little bite size chunks that provide nothing of any value to anyone!
The whole of western media is nothing more than a system of compliance that keeps us distracted from the emptiness of our existence and soon I'm sure it will become our existence in a way just as we have just witnessed.
The free media is dying and soon independent blogs such as this will be forced to take on their role. This hopefully will be a long time from now but I fear the age of public news will be gone long before any of us who read this.

Friday, 2 December 2011

A Simple Address to those People who Cannot Grasp the Concept of Public Transport

Hello again reader (I'm just going to assume that if you read any of my posts that you read all of them, deal with it). If you don't mind I'm going to address this post directly to the people on my bus, and I'm certain most other buses. This way I'll be able to vent easier, and we both know that angry rants are what we're both here for. Now that's clear, I shall begin.
People on the bus, has it ever crossed you mind that even one of the 20-50 people you're shouting at might not actually be enthralled by your brilliant tale of inherent drivel? What am I saying? Of course it hasn't that would require both empathy and even a mild dose of (and this must almost be like swearing to you) intelligence, both attributes that I'm sure both confuse and offend you. However it's sad to say that sometimes it happens, I know I was shocked too, but it turns out that not everyone needs to know what you did all day in ridiculous and mind numbing detail, I have no problem with you beguiling your friends with your amazing stories just don't tell everyone, most people don't need to know.
However I could forgive you for your incessant shouting if you were capable of doing just that, but no, it has be coupled with a pathetic mix of screaming, leaning over people and things, fidgeting and generally not bad impressions of an unhappy toddler. It worries me that I have share a species with you, I genuinely loath you from the bottom of my soul, however if you do read this I'm sure you not feel insulted in the slightest, firstly due to the feeling of self importance that inspires you to make sure everyone can hear the simplest things you say (and of course they are all simple) but also thanks in no small part as a result of me using words over 6 letters in length, so I will end with a sentence that even you will understand.
Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

And so it starts again

Good evening (assuming you read this soon after I post it and in the same time as me), and if you happened to chance upon my old blog, "the factless musing of an internet addict", welcome back. Due to technical troubles I've decided to move my anger at this sad little species to a new address.
In the same system as that last blog this will hold no important information and a serious lack of personal stories, largely due to my own lack of an emotion, it is likely to just be filled with a nice healthy dose of sarcasm and general grumpiness. If you agree with my views then enjoy, if you don't then oh well, if you're offended then you're unlikely to be reading this.
I'm now out of things to say about me saying things, so I'll leave you to live your life.
Toodles children.