Friday, 16 December 2011

Our Little species

Good news my dear reader! I think I've gone completely insane (don't worry not that that lovey dovey crap that ended my last blog) I've been looking at humanity and realising just how much we need to go extinct, not just the cull I had previously backed (however that remains the more viable option.)
Some day soon there will be a mass extinction caused by, and including, us. Obviously not every human is detrimental to the earth, but it is an overwhelming majority. We are choking the life out of the earth despite the fact that we need it for our own lives.
It will never happen but I will say it anyway, the only way humans will ever truly make a significant beneficial impact on the environment is by dying. Human nature prevents any truly selfless communal act or community. Therefore there is no option other than death that humanity can perform to save the millions of other lifeforms that are inevitably going to be destroyed by our acts.
I will end with an Attenborough quote that helps sum up the reasons for my anti-human feelings "for hundreds of thousands of years man has manipulated the environment to benefit himself, maybe it's time he changed himself for the environment's benefit"

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