Sunday, 2 March 2014

You Tube People

You tube likes top tens doesn't it? Well I like you tube and top tens, so guess where this is going! No I'm not just going to link you to YouTube and say "Go watch things!" Ok... I guess that technically did happen but shut up! The actual point of this post is to share with the world my 10 favourite you tube channels. Thats current favourites, the ones I watch all the time now, not all time favourites per se. Being my personal choices there are of course some shared themes that represent my interests, 70% of the list will be film and game related channels, two will be comedy channels and the last is... Well it's Laci Green's channel, representing one of my keenest interests. Right list time, I'll link you to the channel and put one of my personal favourite videos right here.

10. Lore

Ding! I love this channel for it's simplicity. In 60 seconds you get the back story to a video game, or the story behind it's development. They also have longer videos for fast facts: Easter eggs, story secrets, leaked information and such like. The channel covers everything from the birth of the RPG as we know it to modern games as soon as they come out. A constantly changing mix of animators, voice actors and writers mean that Lore is always feeling fresh while remaining true to it's mantra of delivering what it promises: Lore, in a minute.

9. CinemaSins

Ding!.. I didn't realise there were two dinging channels at the end of the list until just now, ah well. Cinema sins works entirely on delivery, be it plot holes, continuity errors or just bad work by a member of the cast or  crew, everything is simply pointed out and dinged. For reasons I can't really explain my favourite videos on this channels are the ones laying into to the films I love. Search through the archives of this channel and I promise that you'll quickly find one of you most treasured cinema memories, then love it even more as it's shown in plain witty English that no film is without sin.

8. theRadBrad

Ah lets players, one of the simplest types of you tube channels there is, a guy (or girl, just a guy in this case) plays games and that's it, the good ones talk while they do it to differentiate themselves, some with a facecam, done. They can churn out videos at a rate most channels could never match, making lets plays a great type of channel for time wasting video binges. I know that Felix holds the top spot for his lets plays, but I've always felt Pewdiepie is too much of an invented character for my liking. Brad is not that, he's much more human and easier to relate to as a result. Plus lets be honest, Pewdie is generaly not that great at gaming, I do like to see a bit of progress in the videos I watch.

7. Egoraptor

Arin 'Chinagan' Hanson is one of the most talented and popular animators and voice actors on the web. With over 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube and almost 20%  more fans on Newgrounds than any other author, it's hard to imagine him going anywhere soon. Even today I keep finding out that animations I've loved for up to a decade have featured Egoraptor as an animator or character's voice. His unique take on video games in the Awesome Series shows his brilliant comedy and then Sequelitis displays the man's critical abilities and logic. A talent that shows that being a high school drop out can be the right decision for people with the talent and drive to get things done in their own way.

6. PeanutButterGamer

PBG has a channel dedicated to game 'reviews' the inverted commas being his own addition to the word as it's not the standard score, pros and cons, value for money and whatnot you get in a traditional review. The system is more akin to a highlight reel from a lets play with the commentary dubbed after editing. Regardless of you define the formula, it works. Austin's videos are consistently funny, his rambling style and personable charm carry his videos and though you only get a basic understanding of the game in question, you'll still be glad you watched the video. His game play channel is just a good, especially the two minecraft hardcore series that feature many great you tube faces.

5. TomSka

See? The internet is not all American. A brilliant sketch comic most famous for the bizarre and random asdf series. Personally I prefer his live action sketches, they stand up better upon re-watching. Part of a group of British comics that make up some of the best comedy this country has to offer, the collaborations between these men and women are one of the main reasons I barely watched TV even when I had on in my room. There are things independent small teams can pull of better than multimillion pound company like the BBC.

4. Ninja Sex Party

It's a well known fact that a Jewish love god and a psychotic ninja cannot fail in any endeavour related to comedic music. This point is only proven further by Ninja sex party, Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian take the most beautiful subject for music (carnal relations) and somehow not only manage to find humour in it, but also make it even more pure and perfect... Okay that's the opposite of true. Their music follows the life of Danny Sexbang, a man with more confidence than people betting against man united this season, as he manages to disappoint or simply disturb every woman he meets. Seriously though, I own both the NSP albums, they are hilarious and genuinely good musicians. The video game parody band Starbomb they formed by teaming up with Egoraptor (yeah he raps too) is just as awesome.

3. JonTron

A very similar style to PBG but in my opinion at least smoother and just generally better. Jon was the first YouTube channel I was ever truly a fan of. I was subscribed to others, I watched bands channels a lot, but Jon was the first person to really win me over with nothing over than some stupid internet videos about games. Constantly improving on his style and delivery, I don't think that Jon has even neared his potential and yet he already stands head and shoulders above his peers in the YouTube reviewing niche. 

2. Laci Green

I love this woman, she is truly one of the most brilliant things the internet age has ever produced (beating all social networks, internet pornography and even delivery motherfucking dominoes pizza!) So far all 8 previous entries on this list have got there purely through entertainment value, Laci not only manages to blow them all so far out of the water they dry out to the point of dust before landing, but she also endeavours to make the world a better place by educating the masses with over 150 videos on some of the most amazing, surprising, shocking, essential and enlightening pieces of information on the most important topic there is. Well over 99% of animals have a desire to do it, it's the driving force behind evolution, it's quite possibly the most enjoyable thing there is... You guessed it (or looked at the video for more than 0.006 seconds) she talks about sex. What makes Laci so good at this is that, as well as being genuinely qualified to, her ability to stick unyieldingly to a perfect standard of maturity without becoming an awkward sex ed lesson keeps the video engaging and not preachy. She is funny and she understands her audience, Laci's jokes manage to remain clean without going off topic, there's absolutely no awkwardness in her delivery on any subject, no matter how personal or seemingly taboo or unusual. Laci is adorable and deals with people who disagree with her, or act inappropriately towards her (either as a topic for a video, or frequently in response to one) in the same way she presents her show; with charm and maturity. That being said, she is a champion against true injustice, if I were a sexist or homophobe I would genuinely be afraid of this woman. She makes me giggle like a child  and grin like an idiot while making me think like an adult and hopefully act a bit smarter (with her subject matter you'll have to be a special one of my readers to know if she's succeeded on that last one). Laci Green is an amazing woman and I love her to bits.

Honourable mentions

Before we see what could possibly top the love I have for Laci, I just want to point in the direction of the channels I cut from the list, be it because I spend less time on them, or they're a fun but simple time waster or whatever, these are still worth checking out... Go linkfest! Cosmo Jarvis, Game theory, Caddicarus, did you know gaming, Rubberninja, OneyNG and finally: everyone who ever posts a game grumps animated/remix, which leads us on neatly to...

1. Game Grumps

Since I spent well over 2 hours sat with Emma watching Danny and Arin play video games today, I couldn't justify putting any other channel in this spot. Although they try not to admit it, the grumps are essentially a lets play channel like any other, except for one simple difference, there's two of them. The addition of the second host makes the grump channel like none other, the flow and chemistry of duologue makes it so much easier to watch and enjoy masses of game grumps without getting bored as you would watching a monologuing lets play. This channel recently overtook Arin's Egoraptor channel because, as I mentioned earlier, they can put out so much content as a lets play channel, so the best lets play channel on YouTube, is my number one channel overall.

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