Monday 17 December 2012

Random Thought Collection 2

That's right my dear little readers it's my second "I have nothing to post" post! There are a few things I've considered writing about but don't think I can stretch out into anything worthwhile, so I'll stick them together here. Enjoy.
To kick things off I discovered only yesterday that maybe I don't over-think people as much as I thought. I always thought I was fairly open about how I feel about people. Well up to a point, being a massive coward I clam up the second I have any romantic interest in someone, seriously you could ask me outright and I'd just lie, but I digress. I've never made any attempt to hide my dislike of anyone and just assumed that my feelings were clear. However thanks to a conversation with Megan on twitter (aka, a conversation on twitter)  I now know that it can be mistaken for a joke. I can see why that would be an easy mistake to make, I do make a lot of insulting jokes towards people I bear no ill will towards, but then I will spend time around them willingly. So here's a simple rule of thumb for you: if I'm mean to you but then spend time just hanging about and chatting, I was probably kidding; if I'm mean to you when necessity forces us together, then spend none of my free time in your company, I probably meant it.
Point two, I went to see the Hobbit on Friday and well... It was so good! I was little wary that they might have taken the easy route and made it cheap to profit on the back of Lord of the Rings. In reality the exact opposite seems to be the case, not a single scene felt cheap or rushed or drawn out. The third of those being by far the most likely as the one little book that is the Hobbit is being made into as many films as LotR, yet somehow it feels perfectly paced. I await the second part with great expectations now. Also, an interesting point I picked up on: besides extras in Hobiton or the very first scene, the lady Galadriel is the only female part, not too surprising in a film about dragon hunting, but interesting nonetheless.
Leading on from that one, before the Hobbit started both theatrical trailers for Les Miserables were played back to back. Since then the only time I haven't had either "I dreamed a dream" or "One day more" in my head is when I've been listening to a different song from it. There are so many things about it that excite me: Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen singing "master of the house" will be hilarious; Anne Hathaway's "I dreamed a dream" (being in full context of the plot) will make me cry (for the first time in many years), if it doesn't Samantha Barks doing "On my own" will, that's her in the video, as far as I'm aware the only west end star in the film; and frankly I'm just curious about hearing Russell Crowe sing "Stars" I just can't imagine him as the powerful baritone that's needed for Javert, but that remains to be seen. I can't wait to see it and am seriously angry that the yanks get it on Christmas day, but we have to wait until the 11th. Incidentally, if anyone wants to go see it, because I don't want to go alone, just contact me in some way or another. That sounds lonely, it's just that I don't know people who'd want to see it. Well Morbey said he'd like to go but then Josie said she would too, so... Yeah the offer still stands.
I think that's it for now, my head is empty now. Toodle bye children.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Bitch Form, chapter 2

This post is a response to "Bitch Form" (hence the title) a post on the blog "A Little Splash of Magic", have a link I'll get to my response in a minute, before that, some pandering, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. Still here? Good now I promised you pandering, prepare to be sickened. You should check out the whole blog not just the one post, it's a well written little blog by the brilliant and rather beautiful Megan Ruddy (although her upper body is inflatable and deflates when she exhales) Unfortunately her little blog doesn't get anywhere near the views it deserves, so when you're done here read her other posts. I think that covers the pandering front. On with the bitching, from now on I'm assuming you've read Megan's post and will be proceeding as such.
Firstly I agree with the majority of the post, the tendency to bitch in that common room is far too high. There are constant arguments about god knows what, of course whatever it is will quickly be lost among the random insults and arguing. That said however, I feel the need to point out that we don't reside in some form of tribalism, everyone has their preferred people obviously and so like any full society we're split into a few septate groups, 3 by my reckoning, but that, as well as most of the people and actions in there, is perfectly normal.
The group I belong to, comprised mostly of nerds (a combination of art and science nerds), is fairly harmonious in its way. There's no infighting, the only insults are intended and taken as jokes, and as far I'm aware no backstabbing or two-facedness (the only way there could be is if it's directed at me and I don't know). So clearly miss Ruddy's post does not account for everyone in the sixth form.
As for the... polite terms, that are clearly Megan's main focus, well if I'm honest I don't really want to waste words on their internal squabbles, if it isn't causing me a problem they can carry on as long as they like. Put simply, the "intergroup wars" Megan speaks of I don't believe exist, oh I'm fully aware of minor spats between individuals that have been picked at like scabs but "wars" is a massive exaggeration.
I know that something about our year isn't right and there is far more bitching than normal, but it's far from the defining feature of our sixth form, the malcontent's voices are always the loudest, but I assure you, the majority of us are perfectly forward with no childish hidden agenda.