Friday 2 December 2011

A Simple Address to those People who Cannot Grasp the Concept of Public Transport

Hello again reader (I'm just going to assume that if you read any of my posts that you read all of them, deal with it). If you don't mind I'm going to address this post directly to the people on my bus, and I'm certain most other buses. This way I'll be able to vent easier, and we both know that angry rants are what we're both here for. Now that's clear, I shall begin.
People on the bus, has it ever crossed you mind that even one of the 20-50 people you're shouting at might not actually be enthralled by your brilliant tale of inherent drivel? What am I saying? Of course it hasn't that would require both empathy and even a mild dose of (and this must almost be like swearing to you) intelligence, both attributes that I'm sure both confuse and offend you. However it's sad to say that sometimes it happens, I know I was shocked too, but it turns out that not everyone needs to know what you did all day in ridiculous and mind numbing detail, I have no problem with you beguiling your friends with your amazing stories just don't tell everyone, most people don't need to know.
However I could forgive you for your incessant shouting if you were capable of doing just that, but no, it has be coupled with a pathetic mix of screaming, leaning over people and things, fidgeting and generally not bad impressions of an unhappy toddler. It worries me that I have share a species with you, I genuinely loath you from the bottom of my soul, however if you do read this I'm sure you not feel insulted in the slightest, firstly due to the feeling of self importance that inspires you to make sure everyone can hear the simplest things you say (and of course they are all simple) but also thanks in no small part as a result of me using words over 6 letters in length, so I will end with a sentence that even you will understand.
Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up!

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