Friday 6 January 2012

SOPA-Closing the borders?

You'e made the effort to read a blog, you don't need a lecture on the massive impact that the "Stop Online Piracy Act" will have on the free culture of the internet. So instead I'm here to talk about how I think it will impact the international subculture of nerds and webtroverts that inhabit sites such as Reddit, most of which are based in the states.
All of the greatest sites that have user generated content join an entire world together, allowing people who are likely to never meet to share their interests and views with the world, and some of this will inevitably involve the use of copyrighted materials. The only way that SOPA could police this content is with an entire shut down of the site, or a minimum of censorship that would cripple the site beyond recognition.
But the thing that worries me the most is how this will close off the nerd world, I know it sounds like a petty social issue but we are a group who gets everything from the net, the sites that are at risk from SOPA are often an invaluable source of news, political; religious; entertainment; any topic really that's the beauty. Taking these sites down will not improve life for billion dollar media companies, but it will greatly impact the lives of the international community, especially those who are able to use the internet to make their money. If the bill is passed it will force the United States onto the road that China has been on for a while now, setting a precedent that will allow the right wing nutters to slowly bring more and more crippling acts to the American government, one step closer to losing your free speech is one step further than you should ever allow.
On this side of the Atlantic I can do nothing to prevent the bill, if you read this and are American I implore you, pester your senator, badger your congressman, beg your friends and family to do the same. SOPA is anti freedom, fight to stop it.

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