Monday 23 April 2012

God - What makes you worth worshipping?

The front page of the sun today (so hardly a reliable source of information) shows that the most important thing happening anywhere in the world right now, more important than Korean tensions, more than the Syrian uprising, is that god saved a footballer from a heart attack while doctors were "baffled". There are two things that upset me about this. The first is that those doctors are the only reason he is alive and yet they are portrayed as incompetent fools.
However there is an issue that I wish to address more, as most people are aware how intelligent and valued doctors are, and that is that god protected him. This means that the world is watched over by an interventionist god, an undeniably good thing. However this god does not use it's power to intervene in wars, famine or plagues. Nor does it reveal itself to the world and address humanity to end religious disputes by giving us all the facts. No, the most important thing in the world to god is the health of one footballer.
So I ask you this, if god exists and is willing to intervene in treatable medical issues, but not large scale disasters, does this god deserve your praise and respect? Or should they be held to account for their actions, for caring for one footballer while ignoring thousands of starving children? You may believe in god, or you may not, but I wonder, god has infinite power, and is reported to willingly intervene in human lives, so why is there so much suffering of innocents?
A further question on this issue was raised to me today. If god is all powerful, and has a plan for everyone, why do you pray to him to assist the ill/injured? Surely god caused or at least permitted them to fall ill to start with? This adds further strength to my belief that god has no right to demand the affection of the humans who lives he seems to delight in toying with. To paraphrase a friend of mine, surely when praying for god to help someone all you're really doing is begging for mercy?

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