Sunday 16 September 2012


This is the second post with that title, this one is about the events not the reaction. However I will obviously be mentioning what I believe should be done, that's how this blog works.
I'm writing this now (23:42) because I just saw a picture from the aftermath of the Kafr Aweed massacre, the picture is of a man holding the decapitated body of a girl who cant be more than 6 ( The image is there but it is horrible) and it just made me think. How long ago was it that the UN said the events in Syria were unacceptable? Why then have they been accepted this long? If they meant it when they said they would not accept this then something would have been done and that girl would be alive today.
The worst thing to me is that reports from inside Syria are so small and sparse that I can't even tell you which side was responsible for this, it could have been anyone, the government, rebels, bandits, anyone. Let me make this clear now, Syria is not in a state of civil war like Libya was, Syria is in a state of tribal barbarism most of the world stepped out of before the end of the middle ages. There are no good guys in this conflict, there is not a democratic force of freedom fighters, there is no significant force for good in the entire country, just village on village on village, massacre after massacre until the news gives up on the unconfirmed reports and people start to forget.
The situation is so bad there is clearly not going to be any solution that will take anything less than many years and many lives. So far as I can see the governments of NATO and the UN have two choices available to them: Intervene, force democracy on the country and remain there for what could be decades until the country is stabilised, it is not an attractive idea and in almost any other case it would be an atrocity for anyone to force control on a country in this manner, but I believe it is what has to be done, because of the alternative; the west does nothing, allows Syria to dissolve all features of civilisation and collapse into a new dark age, this is the end of the path Syria is being allowed to travel down. 
If nothing is done, Syria as a nation will cease to exist, it will become a back spot on the map full of warring tribes, it will be decades or centuries until a true nation is reformed if the conflict continues as it is doing so now. Intervention will not be popular from any point of view, this is the biggest flaw with the democracy that is being fought for, to stay in power you do what is popular, not what is necessary. So there will be no action from the west and many more massacres like this will happen.
A county is dying and the people in power chose not to react to stay popular, is democracy even worth fighting for if it will not fight for it's own existence?

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