Thursday 20 September 2012


I was thinking earlier, what's so bad about certain words? Don't get me wrong, I understand that words like nigger and faggot have strong links to a prejudiced viewpoint, but why general swearing? I can't see anything that links swear words together, it just seems to be random words that are worse than all others according to some arbitrary scale I can't seem to understand.
Simple and common example, what's so bad about fuck? If it was the meaning then sex or intercourse would be swear words, if it's the sound then we can get rid of duck. So what makes fuck the bad guy? The same logic applies to all the other randomly assigned swear words. Who decided these certain sounds are worse than others? If no one told you about them would you be able to pick them out? What if it was decided another word was now swearing? No would accept being told they had to stop using it, so why is it ok to censor other people? There is no logic at all to the existence of swear words, so why do we allow them to be worse than any other?

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