Thursday 10 January 2013

When are you... you?

It hit me as I was walking home, the person walking down the road to my house is a totally different person to the one who walks through it, at school I'm different again, so I started wondering how much of people I know. I doubt people are ever truly acting as someone else, rather fronting one area of their personality to fit the situation they're in. I'm condemning it in any way, we all do it, we need to. Just think of how you talk to your friends, now imagine talking in that way to your grandmother. See my point? Good.
So naturally I get to wondering, when am I most me? I've come to the conclusion that you're reading it. It's far from perfect, I've been censoring myself since I first got a reasonable number of hits, but it's the closest thing to me you're likely to see. I even have emotions here, something that's met with shock and horror in the real world, so of course I can never start to have human emotions to make it normal.
That's why I like writing here so much, I write the way I am, not the way I act. Twitter is the same to a lesser extent, I can write and tweet all my weird obsessive crap and not see the reactions. This plan goes to shit when people I know read it and question me on it. I'd much prefer it if people who I know don't read my things (with a few notable exceptions) so I can be obsessive in peace.
But as it is, this is the way we are, toodle bye dear.

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