Wednesday 28 November 2012

Random Thought Collection 1

I figured a good way to keep myself writing between posts is to write down whatever I'm thinking about, I know a lot of blogs are like that so why not mine? That said it's really just filler and a way to keep me from going stir crazy so there's a good chance it will be shit, if it comes to that I won't do another one I promise.
I've been listening to a lot more music than before recently, still very little that's normal for an 18 year old heterosexual male but oh well. Even as I write this I've got my headphones in at full volume, there could be a gunfight going on in the hall right now and I'd have no idea. I think it's partly down to the amount of re-runs on tv. Watching the same episode of a show twice in a month drives me insane, but I can happily hear a good song 3 or 4 times in a day and still enjoy it. Actually I don't need to keep replaying songs as (returning to my heterosexual comment) I've been listening to a lot of Paloma Faith recently, I'm fairly sure that's pretty gay, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Leading on from that I realised as I was writing that paragraph just what a high percentage of the people I admire are women. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of great men in the world, it's just that in the majority of fields it's a woman I hold in the highest regard. Two important exceptions would be politics (Thatcher (probably the most powerful woman in British political history) should be burned at the stake) and directing (there is no such thing as a bad Tarantino movie) but all the best singers, actors, characters, writers, comedians, pretty much anything in the public eye, are women.
As you can probably tell reading this or my other posts, or if you know me, my mind does have a tendency to wander randomly, making writing these posts a rather difficult and slow process. During the writing of this I've tweeted 3 times, stopped to sing twice, spoken to heather and then even read a post on Megan's blog about lipstick (I have no interest in lipstick at all) so its been about an hour to get to here. If my mind has nothing to wander or cling to I get bored really fast. Like when no one's talking to me on twitter for example, I just stare blankly then go somewhere else. That said there are only really two people who I talk to on twitter more than once a week (unless Kelly's in a particularly irritating mood) I wonder if they're going to read this... Hi Lucy and Megan! You never know, that might help me find out.
I'm starting to ramble a little now, so before I descend in literary anarchy I will stop here, this far, no further. So with that little first contact quote I bid you adieu. Live long and prosper.


  1. Replies
    1. See? I knew it was a good idea, even if it turns out I have no idea when someone comments, I just stumble upon them.
